Rorschach on the Road

It’s been a great two months since I’ve started blogging.  In those two months I’ve put out 48 posts covering 24 movies, gained 55 new WordPress followers and been viewed by 86 of the 123 countries in the world with internet access (although who knows how many “nigerian princes” are included in that category.

Unfortunately I will be out of comission for the greater part of he next month as I will be studying abroad in Ireland with very limited free time and/or internet access. In the mean time ill be missing a slough of new releases (Expendables 2, Paranorman, Premium Rush, Odd life of timothy green, Lawless, Hit and Run, and the Words to name a few) but ill do what I can to catch up once I get back.

I will be starting a travel blog for my trip to Ireland so on the off chance that anyone is interested ill be posting the link to that in the next few days.

See you all in five weeks!

– Andy

About r361n4

I'm a student at the University of Washington Majoring Business. I've always loved movies and my goal is to work on the financial side of the film industry. Until then though, I figure I'll spare my friends from my opinions and shout them from a digital mountaintop for anyone who's interested. After all, if a tree falls in a forest and nobody blogs about it, does it really happen?
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4 Responses to Rorschach on the Road

  1. I’ll be sure to check out your travel blogs in the mean time. I hope that you have a great time in Ireland, it sounds like it’s going to be a blast for ya!

    • r361n4 says:

      I definitely will, my “assignment” is Irish pub music so I get to learn a bunch of drinking songs, lol. Also visiting the guiness factory on my birthday so that should be fun 🙂

  2. atothewr says:

    Enjoy. I’ll be looking for it.

  3. Very cool! Have fun, that’ll be quite the experience

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